3 Babydoll Southdown Registries
A question we see often is "Why are there 3 registries?" Or the comment "I wish there was just one registry" Guess what? We agree. In a nutshell, there are 3 registries for the Olde Englsih Babydoll Southdown because somewhere along the line, some breeders thought they’d like a different look to the Babydoll breed and that it’d be better managed as an organization rather than by an individual/ family. So the 2nd registry was created. Those steadfast to the original registry & breed standard were put in a lurch a few years ago when the original registry was not communicating with paying members through breeding & then a whole lambing season. A number of these breeders didn’t want to join the 2nd registry (or couldn’t if they had spotted sheep), so the 3rd registry was created as an orginazation with the original registry’s breed standard & allowances to save the lineage/purebred status of those sheep ... and then the original was sold to another private ...